
Mood Board of Target User

This is a mood board created of Johnny Smith, a retired carpenter from Tasmania. Hopefully it's quite clearly communicated what he's looking for in life.

Toast Making flow chart

This a flow chart model that could be used as a guide for an online toast making resource.


Making Toast story board

It's all about toast folks!!

This part of a story board I put together last week for ID.
As the user progresses though the steps, the completes ones turn green. The steps are next to the corresponding number.


Information/ Instructional Design

Instructionaldesign.com defines instruction design as 'The process by which instruction is improved through the analysis of learning needs and systematic development of learning materials. Instructional designers often use technology and multimedia as tools to enhance instruction.'

Most instuctional designers use the ADDIE model/ or a variation of it as a tool to assist in their designs

Analyze - analyze learner characteristics, task to be learned, etc.
Design - develop learning objectives, choose an instructional approach
Develop - create instructional or training materials
Implement - deliver or distribute the instructional material
Evaluate - make sure the materials achieved the desired goals.

Information design is concerned with the layout and display of information to best communicate the purpose of a given media, such as a website or magazine. When combined with instructional design, information can be delivered to the recipient in the most efficient and user friendly way.

examples of such sites:

University e-learning sites, such as the one hosted by UWS called vuws


Interactive Design Definition

Another difficult definition to sum up....

Well known interaction Designer, Dan Saffer, Founder of Kicker Design, states in his blog that 'Interaction design is the art of facilitating or instigating interactions between humans (or their agents), mediated by products'. He continues by explaining that interaction design is all about the behavior of products and how they work. He follows by claiming that interaction designer's work can range from digital to analogue technology, physical or non physical or a combination of the four mediums.  He concludes by predicting that the field of interaction design will be involved in almost all aspects of our lives as the technology and the internet becomes increasingly pervasive.

Great examples of web design:

Nearest/cheapest alcohol search engine- boozle.com.au

Social networking- facebook.com

Video hosting- youtube.com




Dan Saffer Blog- Interactive design


WEB 2.0 definition

Web 2.0 is challenging phenomenon of technology  to describe in a concise paragraph.  A spokesperson from explainingcomputers.com states that there are three key aspects of web 2.0. These are interpersonal services, web services, and software as a service.

Interpersonal services allow anybody to be a part of the internet by joining social networking, uploading content to video and mp3 sites, and creating blogs and wikis.

Social Networking- Facebook.com, Flikker.com, myspace.com
Content upload- Youtube.com, video.google.com
Blogs- Blogger.com
Wikis- Wikipedia

Web services range from payment services,  property websites, and the posting of content from one site onto another using a mash up.

Payment services- paypal, worldpay
Property Websites- domain.com.au
Posting via mashups- Youtube content posted on other websites

Software as a service (SAAS) includes online applications such as word processors, spreadsheets and presentations, many of which are compatible with office software.
Many businesses specialise in online human resource and project management services.
Online applications- google docs and Zoho
Services: Employease.com (HR management) Clarizen.com ( project managment)

Andi Outmans, co-founder of ZEND claims that these features are all made possible due the three innovative software advances in internet technology. 
These Technologies are;
RIA (rich internet applications)- flash and Ajax.
SOA (Servive Oriented Architechtures) - Feeds, RSS, Web Services, and Mash ups.
Social web- Tagging, wikis, podcasts, and blogging.

Thanks for reading my first post.

