
WEB 2.0 definition

Web 2.0 is challenging phenomenon of technology  to describe in a concise paragraph.  A spokesperson from explainingcomputers.com states that there are three key aspects of web 2.0. These are interpersonal services, web services, and software as a service.

Interpersonal services allow anybody to be a part of the internet by joining social networking, uploading content to video and mp3 sites, and creating blogs and wikis.

Social Networking- Facebook.com, Flikker.com, myspace.com
Content upload- Youtube.com, video.google.com
Blogs- Blogger.com
Wikis- Wikipedia

Web services range from payment services,  property websites, and the posting of content from one site onto another using a mash up.

Payment services- paypal, worldpay
Property Websites- domain.com.au
Posting via mashups- Youtube content posted on other websites

Software as a service (SAAS) includes online applications such as word processors, spreadsheets and presentations, many of which are compatible with office software.
Many businesses specialise in online human resource and project management services.
Online applications- google docs and Zoho
Services: Employease.com (HR management) Clarizen.com ( project managment)

Andi Outmans, co-founder of ZEND claims that these features are all made possible due the three innovative software advances in internet technology. 
These Technologies are;
RIA (rich internet applications)- flash and Ajax.
SOA (Servive Oriented Architechtures) - Feeds, RSS, Web Services, and Mash ups.
Social web- Tagging, wikis, podcasts, and blogging.

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